04Aug 2020
F) Publications
08:25 - By Dr. Erik Fritzsche
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Publications on Legislative Issues by RCLS Members
Books and Articles (most recent to earliest):
Philip Norton (2021). Party Management. In A. S. Roe-Crines and T. Heppell (Eds.). Policies and Politics Under Prime Minister Edward Heath. Charm, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 239-59.
Philip Norton (2021). The Impact on Behaviour in the House of Lords. In Study of Parliament Group (Eds.) Parliament and the Pandemic. London: Study of Parliament Group, pp. 85-9.
Franklin de Vrieze and Philip Norton (Eds.) (2020). Parliaments and Post-Legislative Scrutiny. Routledge.
![Parliaments_and_Post-Legislative_Scrutiny.png, Jan 2021](/public/Images_2021/Parliaments_and_Post-Legislative_Scrutiny.png)
Philip Norton (2020). The significance of post-legislative scrutiny (with Franklin De Vrieze). The Journal of Legislative Studies 26 (3), pp. 349-61.
Philip Norton (eds.) (2020). The Impact of Legislatures. Routledge.
![Impact_of_Legislatures.png, Jan 2021](/public/Images_2021/Impact_of_Legislatures.png)
Philip Norton (2020). Staying in the Saddle: James Callaghan and Parliament. In K. Hickson and J. Miles (Eds.). James Callaghan: An Underrated Prime Minister? London: Biteback, pp.55-70.
Philip Norton (2020). Governing Britain: Parliament, Ministers and Our Ambiguous Constitution. Manchester University Press.
![Governing_NEU.png, Jan 2021](/public/images/Governing_NEU.png)
Philip Norton (2020). Sir Anthony Eden (1955-7). In I. Dale (Eds.). The Prime Ministers. London: Hodder & Stoughton, pp. 383-88.
Csaba Nikolenyi (2020). The Decline of the Hungarian Legislature since 2010, in Legislative Decline in the 21st Century. A Comparative Perspective, edited by Irina Khmelko, Frederick Stapenhurst and Michael Mezey. New York: Routledge.
Julia Schwanholz and Patrick Theiner (Eds.) (2020). Die politische Architektur deutscher Parlamente. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Philip Norton (2019). Is the House of Commons Too Powerful? The 2019 Bingham Lecture in Constitutional Studies, University of Oxford. Parliamentary Affairs 72 (4), pp. 996-1013.
Fashagba, Joseph Yinka, Ajayi, Ola-Rotimi Matthew, and Nwankwor, Chiedo (2019). The Nigerian National Assembly. Cham: Springer.
Csaba Nikolenyi (2019). Changing Patterns of Party Unity in the Knesset: The Consequences of the Israeli Anti-DefectionLaw, in Party Politics. Special issue on “Party Cohesion in Times of Party Transformation” https://doi.org/10.1177/1354068819836037.
Csaba Nikolenyi (2019). Party Switching in Israel: Understanding the Split of the Labor Party in 2011, in Contemporary Review of the Middle East, Volume 6 Issue 3-4, 408-22.
Csaba Nikolenyi and Chen Friedberg (2019). Vehicles of Opposition Influence or Agents of the Governing Majority? Legislative Committees and Private Members’ Bills in the Hungarian Orszaggyules and the Israeli Knesset, in Journal of Legislative Studies. DOI: 10.1080/13572334.2019.1662607
Fahrat, Nadim; Poirier, Philippe, Démocratie(s), Parlementarismes(s) et légitimité(s) / Democracy(ies),Parliamentarism(s) and legitimacy(ies), Bruylant (see web site).
Our committee championed publication of a symposium in one of the flagman journals of the American Political Science Association. You will see names of many of our members who contributed to this Symposium, see. Decline in Legislative Powers and Rise of Authoritarianism. Irina S. Khmelko (Ed.). Special issue of PS: Political Science & Politics, Vol. 52, Issue 2, 2019 (see web site).
Sven T. Siefken (2018). Parlamentarische Kontrolle im Wandel. Theorie und Praxis des Deutschen Bundestages. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag.
Meg Russell and Jack Sheldon (2018). Options for an English Parliament. London: Constitution Unit.
Meg Russel and Philip Cowley, P. (2018). Modes of UK Executive-Legislative Relations Revisited, in Political Quarterly, 89 (1): 18-28, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/1467-923X.12463.
Csaba Nikolenyi (2018) Keeping Parties Together? The Evolution of Israel’s Anti- Defection Law, in Polish Political Science Yearbook Special Issue on Israel Studies, 47: 2 (June-July 2018): 188-201.
Osnat Akirav (2017). ‘The Talk–Listen–Respond (TLR) Model of Representatives on Twitter’. The Journal of Legislative Studies 23 (3), 392-418, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13572334.2017.1359942.
Elisabetta de Giorgi and Gabriella Ilonszki (Eds.), 2018. Opposition Parties in European Legislatures: Conflict or Consensus? Routledge, https://www.routledge.com/Opposition-Parties-in-European-Legislatures-Conflict-or- Consensus/De-Giorgi-Ilonszki/p/book/9781138674875.
Michael Edinger (2017). ‘Neue Politiker braucht das Land? Attraktivität und Besetzung politischer Ämter’. Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 67 (14-15), 4-9, http://www.bpb.de/apuz/245586/neue-politiker-braucht-das-land-attraktivitaet-und- besetzung-politischer-aemter?p=all.
Heiko Giebler and Bernhard Weßels (2017). ‘If You Don't Know Me by Now: Explaining Local Candidate Recognition’. German Politics 26 (1), 149-169, https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fgrp20/26/1.
Hilmar Rommetvedt (2017). Politikkens allmenngjøring. Stortinget, regjeringen og de organiserte interessene i et nypluralistisk demokrati [on the Norwegian Parliament, Government and Organized Interests]. 3rd ed. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget, https://www.fagbokforlaget.no/Politikkens-allmenngj%C3%B8ring/I9788245022544.
Hilmar Rommetvedt (2017). Scandinavian corporatism in decline. In Oddbjørn Knutsen (ed.): The Nordic Models in Political Science: Challenged, but still Viable? Bergen: Fagbokforlaget, https://www.fagbokforlaget.no/The-Nordic-models-in-political- science/I9788245021752.
Hilmar Rommetvedt and Frode Veggeland (2017). Parliamentary Government and Corporatism at the Crossroads. Principals and Agents in Norwegian Agricultural Policy-Making. Government and Opposition, published online: 18 December 2017, https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/government-and- opposition/article/parliamentary-government-and-corporatism-at-the-crossroads- principals-and-agents-in-norwegian-agricultural- policymaking/5DEE5BECF56B794EE077644C77D2DFC5.
Meg Russell and Daniel Glover (2017). Legislation at Westminster: Parliamentary Actors and Influence in the making of British Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, http://www.ucl.ac.uk/constitution-unit/publications/books/legislation-at-westminster- book.
Meg Russell, Daniel Gover, Kristina Wollter, and Meghan Benton (2017). ‘Actors, Motivations and Outcomes in the Legislative Process: Policy Influence at Westminster’. Government and Opposition 52 (1) 1-27, https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/government-and-opposition/article/actors- motivations-and-outcomes-in-the-legislative-process-policy-influence-at- westminster/9C4E938109801D2907B7C38E36F4D4DC.
Peter J. Tunkis (2017). ‘The Ties that Bind: Do Group Associations among Legislators Matter for Political Parties’. Problems of Post-Communism 64 (2): 79-93, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10758216.2016.1172237.
Eduardo Aleman and George Tsebelis (Eds.) (2016), Legislative Institutions and Lawmaking in Latin America. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
In this volume, twelve experts on Latin American politics investigate the ways in which the interaction between legislative institutions and the policy positions of key actors affects the initiation and passage of legislation, covering seven Latin American Countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, and Uruguay. These seven presidential systems vary widely in terms of their legislative institutions and the position of relevant actors.
Bernhard Weßels (2016), Democratic Legitimacy. Concepts, Measures, Outcomes. In Ferrín, Mónica; Kriesi, Hanspeter (Eds). How Europeans View and Evaluate Democracy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 235-256.
Bernhard Weßels (2016), Wahlkreiskandidaten und politischer Wettbewerb. In Schoen, Harald; Weßels, Bernhard (Eds). Wahlen und Wähler. Analysen aus Anlass der Bundestagswahl 2013. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 181-204.
Matti Wiberg (2016), Digitalisaatio mullistaa työelämän valtasuhteet Kanava 44(2016):7, 50-52 [with S. Koskinen].
Vaikuttaako sää äänestysprosenttiin?, Politiikka 58 (2016), 238-245 [with L. Winter].
Matti Wiberg (2016), Potjomkinin kulissi?, teoksessa Mykkänen, Antti (toim.): Maakuntaitsehallinto, Kunnallisalan kehittämissäätiö: Helsinki 2016, 54-64.
Matti Wiberg (2016), Presidentin uudenvuodenpuheet: kvantitatiivisen tekstianalyysin mahdollisuuksia, Politiikka 58 (2016), 80-88 [with L. Winter].
Matti Wiberg (2016), MPs as Slack Maximizers: Do MPs Hide in the Crowd? In Ahteensuu, Marko (toim.): E PLURIBUS UNUM – Scripta in honorem Eerik Lagerspetz sexagesimum annum complentis, Reports from the Department of Philosophy 3,.Turku 2016, 262-286
Matti Wiberg (2016), EU:n vaikutus kansalliseen lainsäädäntöön: Delors-myytin komplementti pätee, Edilex.fi 2016.
Edinger, Michael/Jahr, Stefan (2015), Political Careers in Europe Career Patterns in Multi-Level Systems, Nomos.
European integration not only has changed the career opportunities for politicians, it has also expanded them. This volume is dedicated to the study of political career patterns. It focusses on parliamentary careers in select European countries, but the U.S. is also included as a long-standing system with multi-level politics. The contributions represent a systematic investigation into levelhopping practices in Europe. While discussing the logic of moves across political levels, special attention is given to the impact of institutional reforms. The results indicate that the traditional model of career mobility, with the national level as the apex of a career, is still of importance in most countries however, a clear trend towards multi-directional political careers is found. (See Table of Contents, here.)
Lewis, C., & Coghill, K. (Eds.). (2015). Parliamentarians Professional Development. The Need for Reform: Springer.
Coghill, K. (2015). ”Introduction—Parliaments: More Professional than Ever” In Lewis, C., & Coghill, K. (Eds.). (2015). Parliamentarians Professional Development. The Need for Reform: Springer.
Coghill, K. (2015).”Learning to be Learned” In Lewis, C., & Coghill, K. (Eds.). (2015). Parliamentarians Professional Development. The Need for Reform: Springer.
Coghill, K & J Thornton (2015) Making Parliamentary Ethics Relevant for the Next Generation. Presented at Australasian Study of Parliament Group Annual Conference, Wellington, New Zealand.
Coghill, Ken & Julia Thornton (2015) “Trust, Legislatures and Codes” presented at the 2015 International Congress of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS), 22 to 26 June 2015, Rio de Janeiro.
Coghill, Ken, Cristina Neesham, Abel Kinyondo & Julia Thornton (2015) Parliamentary Integrity Systems” personal and ethical dimensions of anticorruption measures in the most senior levels of public service” presented at the 2015 IASIA Annual Conference 6 to 10 July 2015, Paris, France. Available here.
Coghill, Ken, Cristina Neesham, Abel Kinyondo & Julia Thornton (2015) “Parliamentary Codes of Conduct and the Accountability of Parliamentarians” presented at The Twelfth Workshop of Parliamentary Scholars and Parliamentarians 24th -26th July 2015, Wroxton, UK.
Coghill, K. (2015). Ethical Decisions and the Great Moral Challenge of our Time. In A. Lawton, Z. V. D. Wal, & L. Huberts (Eds.), Ethics in Public Policy and Management. A Global Research Companion: Routledge. 279-298.
Edinger, Michael (2015). Political Careers in Europe. Career Patterns in Multi-Level Systems. Nomos (with Bloomsbury) [edited with Stefan Jahr].
Edinger, Michael (2015). Springboard or Elephants’ Graveyard: The Position of the European Parliament in the Careers of German MPs. In M. Edinger, St. Jahr (Eds.): Political Careers in Europe. Career Patterns in Multi-Level Systems. Nomos (with Bloomsbury). 77-108.
Edinger, Michael (2015). Wege nach dem Mandat: Beruf und Politik bei ehemaligen Landtagsabgeordneten [Careers After Parliamentary Service: Occupation and Politics of Former Members of State Parliaments]. In Thüringer Landtag (Ed.). Ein Vierteljahrhundert parlamentarische Demokratie. Der Thüringer Landtag 1990-2014. Wartburg Verlag 2015. 214-247.
Nikolényi, Csaba (2015). Government Investiture in India: Formal Rule and Informal Practices. In Shane Martin, Bjorn Erik Rasch and Jose Cheibub, eds., Parliaments and Government Formation: Unpacking Investiture Rules. 275-91.
Nikolényi, Csaba (2015). “The Constitutionalization of Party Unity: The Origins of the Anti-Defection Laws in India and Israel”. Journal of Legislative Studies 21 (3): 390-407 [with Shaul Shenhav].
Edinger, Michael (2014). Parliamentary Elites in Central and Eastern Europe: Recruitment and Representation. Routledge [edited with E. Semenova and H. Best].
Nikolényi, Csaba (2014). Institutional Design and Party Government in Post-Communist Europe. Oxford University Press.
Rommetvedt, Hilmar (2014), Lobbyvirksomhet. In Hanne Marthe Narud, Knut Heidar and Tore Grønlie (eds.): Stortingets historie 1964-2014 [The History of the Norwegian Parliament 1964-2014]. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.
Semenova, Elena/Edinger, Michael/Best, Heinrich (2013), Parliamentary Elites in Central and Eastern Europe: Recruitment and Representation, Routledge.
Legislators are entrusted with key parliamentary functions and are important figures in the decision-making process. Their behaviour as political elites is as much responsible for the failures and successes of the new democracies as their institutional designs and constitutional reforms.
This book provides a comparative examination of representative elites and their role in democratic development in post-communist Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). It argues that as the drivers of the transformation process in CEE, individual and collective parliamentary actors matter. The authors provide an in-depth analysis of representatives from eleven national parliaments and explore country-specific features of recruitment and representation. They draw on an integrated dataset of parliamentary elites for individual, party family, and parliamentary variables over the 20 years following the collapse of Communism and develop a common framework for the analysis of variations in democratisation and political professionalisation between parliaments and political parties/party families across CEE.
This unique volume will be of interest to students and scholars of comparative politics, elite research, post-communist politics, democratisation, legislative studies, and parliamentary representation.
Crum, Ben/Fossum, John Erik (2013), Practices of Inter-Parliamentary Coordination in International Politics: The European Union and Beyond, ECPR Press.
Parliaments risk becoming the main losers of internationalisation; a process that privileges executives and experts. Still, parliamentarians have developed a range of responses to catch up with international decision-making: they coordinate their actions with other parliamentarians; engage in international parliamentary forums; and some even opt to pursue political careers at the supranational level, such as in the European Parliament.
This volume provides a thorough empirical examination of how an internationalising context drives parliamentarians to engage in inter-parliamentary coordination; how it affects their power positions vis-à-vis executive actors; among themselves; and in society in general.
Furthermore, building upon these empirical insights, the book assesses whether parliamentary democracy can remain sustainable under these changing conditions. Indeed, if parliaments are, and remain, central to our understanding of modern democracy, it is of crucial importance to track their responses to internationalisation, the fragmentation of political sovereignty, and the proliferation of multilevel politics.
Langhelle, Oluf (2013), International Trade Negotiations and Domestic Politics: The Intermestic Politics of Trade Liberalization, Routledge.
In spite of many years of negotiation on trade liberalization, progress seems to have stalled. This book explores why resistance to further market liberalization seems so strong, given that the benefits are seen to outweigh the costs.
This volume argues that in order to understand the slow progress of World Trade Organization negotiations, we need to take into consideration the ‘intermestic’ character of trade politics, that is, the way in which international and domestic aspects of politics and policies have been woven together and become inextricably related to each other. This is a general trend in our globalizing world, and one that is most pronounced in the case of trade politics and policy.
International Trade Negotiations and Domestic Politics therefore presents an in-depth analysis of institutions, ideas, interests and actors in the interplay between international trade negotiations and national negotiating positions. At the international level the authors focus on the multilateral negotiations within the World Trade Organization, together with the plurilateral and bilateral negotiations on free trade agreements. At the regional and domestic level they analyze the trade politics and policies of two established powers, the European Union and the USA; two rising powers, China and India; and a small industrialized country with an open economy, Norway.
Coghill, Ken (2013) “Integrated governance and adaptation to climate change” in Ha Huong and Tek Nath Dhakal (eds) Governance Approaches for Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change in Asia. Palgrave Macmillan. 163-181 [with R. Samaratunge].
Rommetvedt, Hilmar (2013). Coping with Corporatism in Decline and the Revival of Parliament: Interest Group Lobbyism in Denmark and Norway, 1980-2005. Comparative Political Studies, 46 (4), 457-485. [with G. Thesen, P. M. Christiansen and A. S. Nørgaard].
Rommetvedt, Hilmar (2013). The Institutionalization of a Parliamentary Dimension of the WTO. In Ben Crum and John E. Fossum (eds.): Practices of Inter-Parliamentary Coordination in International Politics – The European Union and Beyond. Colchester: ECPR Press.
Samaratunge, R. & K. Coghill (2013) “Integrated governance and adaptation to climate change” in Ha Huong and Tek Nath Dhakal (eds) Governance Approaches for Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change in Asia Palgrave Macmillan 163-181.
Patzelt, Werner J. (Ed.)(2012): Parlamente und ihre Evolution: Forschungskontext und Fallstudien (Parliaments and their Evolution: Research Context and Case Studies). Nomos.
How to parliaments develop, and how might we explain these patterns? This volume opens up new possibilities of historical analysis of institutions to parliamentary studies, it presents a textbook for all interested scholars of 'evolutionary institutionalism', and - more generally - it adds to the evolutionary literature case studies of an evolutionary theory which is free from any biological determinism.
Owens, John E./Pelizzo, Riccardo (2012): The "War on Terror" and the Growth of Executive Power? - A Comparative Analysis. New York and London: Routledge
The 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington prompted a "global war on terror" that led to a significant shift in the balance of executive-legislative power in the United States towards the executive at the expense of the Congress. The contributors to this volume ask whether this pattern was repeated across a range of democracies that were also threatened by terrorist attacks after 9/11. In this volume, seasoned scholars examine the extent to which terrorist threats and counter-terrorism policies led uniformly to the growth of executive or Government power at the expense of legislatures and parliaments in other political systems, including those of Australia, Britain, Canada, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, and Russia. The research reported questions whether the “crises” created by 9/11 and subsequent attacks and foiled attacks elsewhere, led inexorably to executive strengthening at the expense of legislatures and parliaments. The research reported finds that democratic forces served to mitigate changes to the balance of legislative and executive power to varying degrees in different political systems. This book will interest those studying or researching Comparative Government and Politics and International Politics.
Alam, Q. and K. Coghill (2012). Perceptions of Corruption: Innovative Sources in Three Countries. XVI IRSPM Conference. Rome, Tor Vergata University: 11 - 13 April.
Coghill, K (2012) How Should Elected Members Learn Parliamentary Skills? Senate Occasional Lecture 23 November 2012.
David M. Olson and Gabriella Ilonszki, eds. (2011), Post-Communist Parliaments: Change and Stability in the Second Decade, Routledge.
Best, H. (2011): Evropa elit. Izmerenia i determinanti orientazii politicheskikh i ekonomicheskikh elit gosudarstv Evropeiskogo sojuza (Europe of elites. Parameters and determinants of attitudes of European political and economic elites). Pp. 112-119 in O. Gaman-Golutvina (Ed.): Eliti i obshchestvo v sravnitelnoi perspektive (Elites and Society in Comparative Perspective). Moscow: Rosspen.
Born, H., Leigh, I., & Wills, A. (Eds). (2011). International intelligence cooperation and accountability. London: Routledge.
Rommetvedt, H. (2011). Politikkens allmenngjøring og den nypluralistiske parlamentarismen. 2. utgave (Generalization of interests and the neo-pluralist parliamentarism. 2nd edition). Bergen, Norway: Fagbokforlaget.
Sinclair, B. (2011). Unorthodox lawmaking: New legislative processes in the U.S. Congress (4th ed.). Washington, DC: CQ Press.
Wehner, J. (2011). Legislatures and the budget process: The myth of fiscal control. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
Wiberg, M. (2011). Politiikan sanakirja: Inhorealistin versio. Helsinki: Siltala.
Wiberg, M. (2011). Äänestysvalta Suomen kunnissa: Analyysi vuonna 2008 valituista valtuustoista, Acta Politica Aboensia A3. Turku, Finland: Uniprint.
MacCarthaigh, Muiris/Manning, Maurice (Ed.)(2010): The Houses of the Oireachtas: Parliament in Ireland. Dublin: IPA.
The Irish parliament – the Oireachtas – is nearing the centenary year of its foundation, making it one of the oldest continuously surviving parliaments in the world. As a Westminster-style legislature, it has not traditionally been one that has received much scholarly treatment or analysis. This comprehensive new volume fills this void by considering all aspects of the Houses of the Oireachtas – including their evolution, composition, organization, financing, administration and reform. Contributors include academics, administrators and sitting and former parliamentarians. Contemporary challenges brought about by transformations in media style, increased inter-parliamentarism and the changing character of politics are also addressed. The book questions a number of assumptions about parliament and its work, including the efficacy of the legislative and budgetary processes, the nature of executive–legislative relations and the perceived encroachment of the courts on the legislature. Combined, this wide-ranging and detailed study will provide essential reading not alone for those interested in Irish politics and government, but also for students and scholars of legislative studies. More details can be found here.
Best, H., Higley, J. (Eds.) (2010): Democratic Elitism: New Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives. Leiden and Boston: Brill.
Best, H., Wenninger, A. (Eds.)(2010): Landmark 1989: Central and Eastern European Societies Twenty Years After the System Change (Soziologie: Forschung und Wissenschaft). Münster: Lit. Verlag.
Bjørn, E. R., & Tsebelis, G. (Eds.). (2010). The role of governments in legislative agenda setting. London: Routledge.
Born, H., Gill, B. & Haenggi, H. (Eds). (2010). Governing the bomb: Civilian control and democratic accountability of Nuclear Weapons. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Davidson-Schmich, L. K. (2010). Gender quota compliance and contagion in the 2009 Bundestag election. German Politics and Society, 28(3), 133-155.
Hazan, R. Y., & Rahat. G. (2010). Democracy within parties: Candidate selection methods and their political consequences. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
MacCarthaigh, M., & Manning, M. (Eds.). (2010). The houses of the Oireachtas: Parliament in Ireland. Dublin: Institute of Public Administration.
Millard, F. (2010). Democratic elections in Poland 1991-2007, London: Routledge.
Pelizzo, R., & Owens, J. E. (Eds.). (2010). The “war on terror” and the growth of executive power? A comparative analysis. London: Routledge.
Wesolowski, W. (Ed.). (2010). Koncepcje polityki (Concepts of politics), Wydawnictwo Naukowe Warsaw: Scholar.
Wesolowski, W., Slomczynski, K. M., & Dubrow, J. K. (Eds.). (2010). National and European? Polish political elite in comparative perspective. Warsaw: IFIS Publishers.
Wiberg, M. (Ed.). (2010). Perustuslakihaasteet. Helsinki: Edita.
Council of Ethics for the Public Service. (2009). Ethical way: The ethical leadership training programme implementation guide. Retrieved from here.
Patzelt, Werner J./Dreischer, Stephan (Ed.)(2009): Parlamente und ihre Zeit: Zeitstrukturen als Machtpotentiale (Parliaments and their Time: Time Structures as Power Ressources), Baden-Baden: Nomos.
This book explores time structures within parliaments. How manage parliaments their time ressources? Who decides how parliaments use their time? How does this effect the power of a parliament? How does this change, what are the causes and consequences? The book gives answers to this questions by outlining a theoretical framework in the opening chapter. This framwork is used in the following empirical case studies that deal with the House of Representatives of New Zealand, the German Bundestag, the last, freely elected Volkskammer of the former GDR, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union. A summarizing chapter at the end of the book shows the results and puts them into the context of parliamentary analysis. The book is useful not only for parliamentary research und practice, but also for social scientists interested in the analysis of institutions.
The book is available in German only. See here for a German presentation of the book.
Thurber, James R. (2009): Rivals for Power: Presidential-Congressional Relations, 4. ed., Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield.
Rivals for Power is a lively and up to date description of the power struggle between the president and Congress. In it, leading congressional and presidential scholars and knowledgeable former public officials consider the historical, political, and constitutional foundations of conflict between the two branches. The authors give practical advice about how to build cooperative policymaking between the president and Congress as they struggle over major crises in solving economic problems and addressing domestic issues and the challenges in defense and foreign policy making. The book features original academic research and practitioner knowledge from the White House and the Hill.
See here for more detailed information on the book.
Friedberg, Chen/Hazan, Reuven Y. (2009): Legislative Oversight of the Executive Branch in Israel: Current Status and Proposed Reforms, Jerusalem: Israel Democracy Institute.
Among the most important tasks entrusted to the legislature in a democracy is overseeing the executive branch. The goal of this study, beyond an introductory chapter that delineates the topic of legislative oversight in parliamentary systems both conceptually and theoretically, is to present Israel's current situation in this area - its shortcomings, limitations, and obstacles - and to outline a more expedient reality in the form of a structured, coherent, and comprehensive reform program. To date, no proposal has been formulated for sweeping, in-depth reform in the area of parliamentary oversight of the government in Israel. The reform proposed here, which addresses the changes that are required to improve such oversight, is unique in that it deals, first and foremost, with the need to change the structural foundation and parliamentary culture of the Israeli legislature. Only then does it turn its attention to the more formal phase of legislative amendments and procedural reforms, which completes, but cannot substitute, the process of structural and cultural change.
The book is available in Hebrew only. A detailed abstract of the book can be found here in English.
Best, H., Gebauer R., Salheiser A. (Eds.) (2009): Elites and Social Change. The Socialist and Post-socialist Experience. Hamburg: Krämer.
Genckaya, O. F. (2009). Public funding of political parties: The case of Turkey. In: Public Funding Solutions for Political Parties in Muslim-Majority Societies, Washington D.C.: IFES, 39-49.
Imbeau, L. M. (Ed.). (2009). Do they walk like they talk? Dissonance in policy processes. New York/Berlin: Springer.
Özbudun, E., & Genckaya, O. F. (2009). Democratization and politics of constitution making in Turkey. Budapest: Central European University Press.
Patzelt, Werner J. and Stephan Dreischer, ed., 2009: Parlamente und ihre Zeit: Zeitstrukturen als Machtpotentiale (Parliaments and their Time: Time Structures as Power Ressources), Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Wiberg, M. (2009). Demokratiasanasto, Demokratiordlista, Vocabulary of Democracy. Retrieved from http://www.termipankki.fi/ext/demokratiasanasto
Wiberg, M. (2009). Hallitseeko hallitus? Retrieved from here.
Owens, John E./Dumbrell, John (Ed.)(2008): America's War on Terrorism: New Dimensions in US Government and National Security. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
How has 9/11 and George W. Bush's self-declared "war" on terror changed American government and US foreign policy? This is the central question addressed in the nine original essays in this book. Following an introduction by the editors, in which they survey issues and debates raised by America's "War" on Terrorism and its consequences for US government and politics, foreign policy, and for American foreign relations, the contributions to this volume-from British and American scholars-explain the implications of the post-9/11 mobilization and reconfiguration of US foreign and internal security policies. Issues addressed in the book include: the growth of presidential power, executive branch reconfiguration and the managerial presidency, the Bush doctrine of pre-emption, the changing role of the US in the international order, the impact of the "war" on terrorism on the US military, intelligence failure and the changed role of US intelligence, renewed tension in US-European relations, and Bush's alliance with Tony Blair's government in the United Kingdom. Taken together, the essays represent an original and timely assessment of the domestic and international repercussions of George W. Bush's responses to the terrorist attacks September 11, 2001.
Olson, David M., and Philip Norton, eds. 2008. Post- Communist and Post-Soviet Parliaments: The Initial Decade. London and New York: Routledge
Hazan, Reuven Y., ed. 2006. Cohesion and Discipline in Legislatures: Political Parties, Parliamentary Committees, Party Leadership and Governance. London: Taylor and Francis.
Werner J. Patzelt, ed., 2005, Parlamente und ihre Macht. Kategorien und Fallbeispiele institutioneller Analyse (Parliaments and their Power. Categories and Case Studies of 'Institutional Analysis'), Baden-Baden (Nomos), 305 S. (= Studien zum Parlamentarismus, Bd. 2)
Mansfeldova, Zdenka, Petra Rakaušanova, and David M. Olson, eds. 2004. Central European Parliaments: First Decade of Democratic Experience and the Future Perspective. Prague: Institute of Sociology, Academy of Science of the Czech Republic.
Werner J. Patzelt, Everhard Holtmann, eds., 2004: Kampf der Gewalten? Parlamentarische Regierungskontrolle – gouvernementale Parlamentskontrolle. Theorie und Empirie (Battle of Powers? Parliamentary Control of the Government - Governmental Control of the Parliament. Theory and Empirical Evidence). Wiesbaden (VS-Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften).
Werner J. Patzelt, ed., 2003, Parlamente und ihre Funktionen. Institutionelle Mechanismen und institutionelles Lernen im Vergleich (Parliaments and their Functions. Institutional Mechanisms and Institutional Learning in Comparative Perspective). Wiesbaden (Westdeutscher Verlag), 473 S.
Olson David M. and William E. Crowther, eds. 2002. Committees in Post-Communist Democratic Parliaments: Comparative Institutionalization. Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press.
Werner J. Patzelt and Roland Schirmer, eds., 2002, Die Volkskammer der DDR. Sozialistischer Parlamentarismus in Theorie und Praxis (The People's Chamber of the German Democractic Republic. Socialist Parliamentarism in Theory and Praxis). Opladen (Westdeutscher Verlag).
Hazan, Reuven Y. 2002. Reforming Parliamentary Committees: Israel in Comparative Perspective. Columbus, OH: University of Ohio Press.
Patzelt, Werner J., ed., 2001. Parlamente und ihre Symbolik. Programm und Beispiele institutioneller Analyse. (Parliaments and their Symbolism. Research Program and Examples of 'Institutional Analysis'). Opladen (Westdeutscher Verlag).
Longley, Lawrence D. and Reuven Y. Hazan, eds., 1999. The Uneasy Relationships Between Parliamentary Members and Leaders. London: Cass.
Longley, Lawrence D. and Roger H. Davidson, eds. 1998. The New Roles of Parliamentary Committees. London: Frank Cass. World Encyclopedia of Parliaments and Legislatures. 1998. Washington DC: Congressional Quarterly Press (2 vols.)
Olson David M. and Philip Norton, eds. 1996. The New Parliaments of Central and Eastern Europe. London: Cass.
Olson, David M and Michael L. Mezey, eds. 1991. Legislatures in the Policy Process. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (IPSA Advances in Political Science: An International Series)
Journal special issues:
Best, H., Bluhm, K., Fritsch, M., Silbereisen, R. (Eds.) (2010): Transitions – Transformations: Trajectories of Social, Economic and Political Change after Communism. Special Issue of Historical Social Research 35 (2).
Olson, D. M., & Ilonszki, G. (Eds.). (2011). Post-communist parliaments: Change and stability in the second decade. Journal of Legislative Studies, 17(2), (forthcoming).
Leston-Bandeira, C. (2012). Parliaments and citizens. The Journal of Legislative Studies, (forthcoming).
Hazan, R. Y., & Leyenaar, M. (Eds.). (2011). Understanding electoral reform. West European Politics, 34(3).
Irina S. Khmelko and Werner J. Patzelt, eds. 2011. “Democratic Institutionalization.” Journal of East European and Asian Studies. II: 1, February.
Werner J. Patzelt and Michael Edinger, eds., 2011, Politik als Beruf (Politics as a Vocation), Politische Vierteljahresschrift (PVS) Special Issue 33, Wiesbaden (VS-Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften), 460 S.
Mansfeldova, Z., & Linek, L. (Eds.). (2009). Český parlament ve druhé dekádě demokratického vývoje. Czech Parliament in the Second Deca.... Sociologické studie/Sociological Studies, 09(8).
Norton, Philip and David M. Olson, eds. 2007. “Post- Communist and Post-Soviet Parliaments: Beyond Transition.” Journal of Legislative Studies Special Issue 13:1 March
Hazan, Reuven Y. ed. 2003. “Cohesion and Discipline in Legislatures: Political Parties, Parliamentary Committees, Party Leadership and Governance.” Journal of Legislative Studies Special Issue 9:4 Winter.
Longley, Lawrence D. and Reuven Y. Hazan, eds., 1999. “The Uneasy Relationships Between Parliamentary Members and Leaders.” Journal of Legislative Studies Special issue, 5:3/4 Autumn/Winter.
Longley, Lawrence D. and Roger H. Davidson, eds., 1998. “The New Roles of Parliamentary Committees.” Journal of Legislative Studies Special issue 4:1 Spring
Olson David M. and Philip Norton, eds. 1996. “The New Parliaments of Central and Eastern Europe.” Journal of Legislative Studies Special issue, 2:1 Spring.
Publications jointly sponsored with World Bank Institute:
Stapenhurst, Rick, Riccardo Pelizzo, David M. Olson and Lisa von Trapp, eds. 2008. Legislative Oversight and Budgeting: a World Perspective. Washington, DC: WBI Development Studies, World Bank Institute.
Pelizzo, Riccardo, Rick Stapenhurst, and David Olson, eds., 2006. Parliamentary Oversight for Government Accountability. Washington, DC: World Bank Institute, Working Papers Nr. 37262
Pelizzo, Riccardo, Rick Stapenhurst, and David Olson, eds., 2005. The Role of Parliaments in the Budget Process. Washington, DC: World Bank Institute, Working Papers Nr. 37254.
Pelizzo, Riccardo, Rick Stapenhurst, and David Olson, eds., 2004. Trends in Parliamentary Oversight. World Bank Institute, Working Papers Nr. 33045.
RCLS “Working Papers on Comparative Legislative Studies” (chronological order):
Lawrence Longley, ed. 1994. Legislatures and Parliaments in Democratizing and Newly Democratic Regimes. Appleton, WI: Research Committee of Legislative Specialists, IPSA. “Working Papers on Comparative Legislative Studies I” (from Paris conference)
Lawrence Longley and Attila Agh, eds., 1997. The Changing Roles of Parliamentary Committees. Appleton, WI: Research Committee of Legislative Specialists, IPSA. “Working Papers on Comparative Legislative Studies II“ (from Budapest conference)
Lawrence Longley and Drago Zajc, eds., 1998. The New Democratic Parliaments: The First Years. Appleton, WI: Research Committee of Legislative Specialists, IPSA. “Working Papers on Comparative Legislative Studies III” (from Ljubljana conference)
Lawrence Longley, Attila Agh and Drago Zajc, eds., 2000. Parliamentary Members and Leaders: The Delicate Balance. Appleton, WI: Research Committee of Legislative Specialists, IPSA. “Working Papers on Comparative Legislative Studies IV” (from Budapest and Ljubjlana conferences)