The Inter-Parliamentary Union, in partnership with the United Nations Development Program, is preparing its third Global Parliamentary Report. This year’s Global Parliamentary Report will focus on how parliaments engage with the public. It will aim to demonstrate why public engagement (beyond periodic general elections) is essential to parliaments and parliamentarians, as well as provide support to parliaments in integrating public engagement into their work. The Global Parliamentary Report will feature a series of recommendations on enhancing public engagement.

The Global Parliamentary Report team is seeking examples of academic partnership with parliaments on public engagement initiatives. For example, joint university courses on parliament, training programs, internships and other educational programming for university students etc. Any and all examples of such collaboration would be welcome and inform the report.

If you have any ideas for a story of collaboration, please send them to Dr. Maya Kornberg at Please include your contact details, any relevant information on where/when/how the project was executed, and contact details for those involved (if available.)

We look forward to hearing from you!