RCLS will have four panels on the 2012 IPSA World Congress in Madrid (see Table for details). Furthermore, the RCLS business meeting will be held in Madrid on 9 July, 2012, from 17:00 to 18:45 in room "Tutorial 23 C". There, a report on past activities will be given, elections of new officers will be held, and plans for future conferences will be made.
17Oct 2011
RCLS Meeting in Prague on "Changing Modes of Parliamentary Representation"
12:15 - By Dr. Erik Fritzsche
RCLS met in Prague together with RECON WP3 for a workshop on "Changing Modes of Parliamentary Representation". The conference underlined the great variety of parliamentary research in both theoretical and methodological terms: Papers dealt with national parliaments and the EU, the EP, parliaments in the process of democratization and institutionalization, the theory of institutional evolution, the theory and practices of representation in Europe, France and Germany, socialization of newly elected MPs, corporatism and the revival of parliaments. The presented research dealt with purely theoretical topics, some relied on a heavily quantitative, others on a purely qualitative methodology, and some sought to combine both approaches.
RCLS had a business meeting on Friday. Here are the minutes.
Social events with lively discussions on politics and papers included a nice dinner with a spectacular outlook on the beautiful city of Prague. The well organized conference and the friendly team from the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences turned the good and fruitful conference into an excellent one. Na shledanou, Česká republika!
21Sep 2011
ECPR Antwerp 2012: Minority Rights and Majority Rule in European Legislatures
11:10 - By Dr. Erik Fritzsche
Paper proposals are now invited for the workshop 'Minority Rights and Majority Rule in European Legislatures' to be held at the ECPR Joint Sessions in Antwerp (10-15 April 2012). The purpose of the workshop is to bring together legislative scholars to examine the conditions under which the rights of individual MPs and opposition parties are curbed (or expanded) in European legislatures. Key questions: What rights do individual MPs and opposition parties have in European legislatures? Do such rights change over time and, if so, how and why? How can cross-country variation in the evolution of such rights be explained? Please click here for additional information on the workshop. To apply for the workshop, click here.
29Aug 2011
IPSA Congress Madrid 2012 – Panels proposed by RC08-Legislative Specialists (RCLS )
15:05 - By Dr. Erik Fritzsche
On the IPSA Congress in Madrid 2012 RCLS will organize three panels: (1) The role of parliamentary opposition in the legislative process; (2) The role of representative assemblies in autocratic and semi-democratic systems; (3) The costs and benefits of organized interest representation in the parliamentary process. Non members of RCs are encouraged to participate in RC sessions. The names of the RCs and an invitation to non-members to submit paper proposals to the RC Chairs will be displayed on the IPSA Congress website as of August 31, 2011. Deadline to submit RC panel proposals is August 18, 2011. For panel abstracts and application rule see here.
22Mar 2011
Annual Conference of Australian Study of the Parliament Group on "The Executive v the Parliament: Who wins?"
15:14 - By Dr. Erik Fritzsche
The Australian Study of the Parliament Group invites legislative specialists to attend their Annual Conference from 6th to 8th October 2011 at Parliament House, Melbourne. The conference is entitled "The Executive v the Parliament: Who wins?" The topic this year raises a number of issues about modern Parliaments and whether the changes occurring in the ways Parliaments operate over the years have strengthened our parliamentary democracy. Papers should be submitted by 31th May (500 word abstract). Detailed information on the topics that might be covered by paper givers, their submission, and concerning conference organizers can be found here.
10Mar 2011
International Workshop “Changing Modes of Parliamentary Representation” (October 2011 in Prague)
12:04 - By Dr. Erik Fritzsche
Workshop organized by IPSA’s Research Committee on Legislative Specialists (RC08) and 6th FP project RECON – Reconstituting Democracy in Europe, WP3 Host Institution: Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The workshop will take place at the Academic Conference Center, Prague 1, Jilská 4a on 14-15 October 2011. The purpose of the workshop is to address the current issues in parliamentary research and broaden the research agenda. Organizational issues of the workshop include discussion of the final results and theoretical contributions of the WP3 “Representation and Institutional Make-up” to the REON Project and RCLS Meeting aimed at discussing practical and organizational aspects of RC LS such as future events, publications etc. Deadline for paper proposals is May 15 - see our Upcomin section for further details.
11Nov 2010
RCLS at SPSA annual meeting in New Orleans
04:02 - By Dr. Erik Fritzsche
Three RCLS’s panels will be working at the upcoming SPSA annual meeting in New Orleans, USA in early January. In addition, RCLS’s annual business meeting will take place there, as well. The panels and the business meeting are scheduled for January 8, 2011 (Saturday). If you are interested in attending and for more details, please contact Dr. Khmelko at: Irina-Khmelko@UTC.edu. The preliminary program of all RCLS panels and the date of our business meeting are available in our Upcoming section.
02Jul 2010
Call for Papers to the SPSA Meeting in 2011
11:24 - By Dr. Erik Fritzsche
The RCLS has pleasure in appending a call for proposals to the 82nd SPSA annual meeting, being held at New Orleans, Louisiana on January 6-8, 2011. We ask the scholars of legislatures to again consider the issue of legislative institution building. We are especially interested in papers that allow for practical implications of research. See Call for Papers SPSA Meeting 2011here.
24Apr 2010
Past Activities: RCLS Panel on the PSA Conference in Edinburgh
16:21 - By Dr. Erik Fritzsche
From March 29th to April 1st 2010 in Endinburgh/UK PSA Conference "Sixty Years of Political Studies: Achievements and Futures" was held. RCLS had a Panel organized by its Co-Chair Peverill Squire headlined "The Past, Present, and Future of Bicameralism" (see more at the Past Activities section.
24Apr 2010
Past Activities: RCLS Panel on IPSA 2010 Conference in Luxemburg
10:57 - By Dr. Erik Fritzsche
On the IPSA 2010 Conference in Luxemburg "Is There a European Model of Governance? A Comparative Perspective" RCLS had a panel "Democratic Representation in European Model of Governance". The proposed panel concentrated on the principles of democratic representation in European Model of governance. See panel details, title and authors of the paper, and the full program of the IPSA conference at the our Past Activities section.
14Jan 2010
Past Activities: RCLS Meeting at the Annual Meeting of SPSA in Atlanta
05:19 - By Dr. Erik Fritzsche
RCLS met at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association in Atlanta, GA, from January 7 to January 9 2010. Irina Khmelko from Georgia Southern University at Statesboro organized two panels on behalf of RCLS: “Legislative Institution Building in Developing Democracies” and "Parliamentary Audit and Scrutiny of Ex-poste Government Spending". RCLS also had its business meeting there (see here for the minutes).
30Jul 2009
Past Activities: RCLS in Santiago de Chile
06:35 - By Dr. Erik Fritzsche
(Not only) as far as RCLS is concerned, the IPSA congress in Santiago has been a great success. All our four panels were well attended, and inspiring papers were presented. Many thanks once more to our (now) past program chair, Ron Hedlund, who has done a great and demanding job in pulling our program together! Here you will find the minutes of our business meeting with some relevant news. They include, among other things, the names of our new officers and of the new executive committee of RCLS. The officers are:
- co-chairs: Werner J. Patzelt, Peverill Squire
- program chair: Zdenka Mansfeldová
- treasurer: Ned Schneier
(Contact data of our new officers can be found here.) In addition, two of our members have been elected by the IPSA council into IPSA’s executive committee: Irmina Matonyte (second term), Werner J. Patzelt (first term).
14Jun 2009
Welcome to the Website of the Research Committee of Legislative Specialists (RCLS)
15:12 - By Dr. Erik Fritzsche
This is the website of the Research Committee of Legislative Specialists (RCLS). We are an international collaboration of researchers organized in the International Political Science Association (IPSA). This website addresses members of our Research Committee, researchers from other branches and all persons with an interest in current legislative research. On our website you will find information on upcoming events and past activities of our research committee; you can learn who we are, our aims and how our collaborative work is organized; how to become a member, and which persons to contact for what purpose.
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